Envision Works, Author at Jenkins Roofing

Request a Free Roof Inspection


Roof Repair Made Easy

  • We check for any roof-related damages.
  • Our field inspectors will capture HD imagery/video of your roof.
  • We'll provide you with a detailed report of what we found.
  • If there's damage, no worries. We'll walk you through the claim process!
  • We're dedicated to getting you the best deal. A team member will accompany the insurance adjuster to make sure all damages are included.
  • Our roofing experts will work with you to get the roof you want.
  • Stay covered: Our GAF Master Elite certification allows us to offer the best warranties in the industry.

* Financing options are available

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    What to Look for on a Commercial Roofing Estimate

    When reviewing a commercial roofing project estimate, there are several key factors that business owners or property managers should consider to determine the best commercial roofer for the job. Since Jenkins Roofing & Construction has been around for several decades, we wanted to share some important aspects to look for:

    Detailed Scope of Work:

    • A comprehensive and detailed scope of work outlining all aspects of the roofing project, including materials to be used, specific tasks to be performed, and any additional services.

    Material Specifications:

    • Clear specifications for the roofing materials, including the type, brand, and quality. Make sure the proposed materials meet industry standards and are suitable for the specific needs of your commercial building.

    Timeline and Project Schedule:

    • A realistic timeline with a detailed project schedule. This should include start and completion dates for each phase of the project, allowing you to plan accordingly.

    Cost Breakdown:

    • A transparent and detailed cost breakdown that clearly outlines the expenses associated with labor, materials, permits, and any additional costs. This helps you understand where your money is going.

    Insurance and Licensing:

    • Confirmation of the roofer’s insurance coverage and licensing. A reputable commercial roofer should have the necessary insurance to cover any potential accidents or damages during the project.

    Warranty Information:

    • Information on warranties for both materials and workmanship. A reliable commercial roofer should offer a warranty that provides coverage for a reasonable period after the completion of the project.

    References and Portfolio:

    • Request references from previous clients and ask for a portfolio showcasing completed commercial roofing projects. This allows you to assess the roofer’s experience and the quality of their work.

    Communication and Accessibility:

    • Assess the roofer’s communication style and accessibility. A good roofer should be responsive to your inquiries, provide updates on the project’s progress, and address any concerns promptly.

    Local Reputation:

    • Check the roofer’s reputation in the local community. Online reviews, testimonials, and word-of-mouth recommendations can provide insights into the roofer’s reliability and customer satisfaction.

    Compliance with Codes and Regulations:

    • Ensure that the roofer is familiar with and adheres to local building codes and regulations. This helps prevent issues during inspections and ensures the roofing project meets legal requirements.

    By carefully reviewing these factors in commercial roofing project estimates, you can make an informed decision and choose the best commercial roofer for your business or property. Just remember, not all roofers are the same.


    Unwrap Spring:
    The Gift of a New
    Outdoor Patio or Living Space

    As the holiday season approaches, the thought of giving the gift of a new outdoor patio or living space might not immediately come to mind. However, with spring just around the corner, NOW is the optimal time to plan and budget for this transformative gift. In this blog, we’ll explore the many reasons why gifting an outdoor oasis is a unique and enduring present, providing joy and relaxation for years to come.

    Planning for Spring Bliss: Winter may be upon us, but the promise of spring brings the perfect opportunity to plan for a new outdoor space. By starting the process now, you ensure that everything is ready to bloom when the warmer weather arrives.

    Budgeting for Long-Term Happiness: Investing in an outdoor patio is not just a one-season wonder—it’s a gift that keeps on giving. By budgeting now, you allow for careful consideration of design, materials, and amenities that will make the outdoor space a source of joy for family and friends.

    Tailoring the Space to Personal Taste: The gift of an outdoor living space is incredibly personal. Whether it’s a cozy patio with a fire pit, a vibrant garden oasis, or a deck with a view, tailoring the space to the recipient’s preferences ensures that every moment spent there is a reflection of their style and personality.

    Creating Lasting Memories: Outdoor spaces are the backdrop for countless memories—barbecues with friends, family gatherings, or quiet evenings under the stars. Giving the gift of a new patio is not just about the physical space; it’s about creating an environment where memories are made and cherished.

    Boosting Property Value: An outdoor living space isn’t just a gift for the present; it’s an investment in the future. Well-designed outdoor areas can significantly boost property value, making it a thoughtful and practical gift with long-term benefits.

    Partnering with Professionals: To ensure the success of this unique gift, consider partnering with landscaping and design professionals. Their expertise can turn ideas into reality, creating a space that is both functional and visually stunning.

    Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Choices: As sustainability becomes increasingly important, consider incorporating eco-friendly elements into the outdoor space. From recycled materials to energy-efficient lighting, these choices not only contribute to a healthier planet but also enhance the overall appeal of the gift.

    Beating the Spring Rush: By starting the planning process now, you beat the rush that comes with the arrival of spring. This allows for more options in terms of materials, contractors, and scheduling, ensuring a smoother and more efficient project timeline.

    Gifting a new outdoor patio or living space is a gesture that goes beyond the traditional presents exchanged during the holiday season. It’s a thoughtful investment in the well-being and happiness of your loved ones, providing a space where they can unwind, entertain, and connect with nature. So, as the snow falls and the temperatures drop, envision the joy that will bloom with the first flowers of spring as your unique gift is unveiled—a gift that keeps on giving for years to come.


    Why Regular Commercial Roof Inspections and Maintenance is Important to Your Success

    As a business owner, operations executive, or building maintenance manager, you’re accustomed to managing various aspects of your enterprise. However, one crucial element that might be overlooked is the roof over your head. Annual roof inspections and maintenance are paramount to ensure the longevity and structural integrity of your business establishment. Whether you own your building or are in a leased space, we want you to know why regular roof inspections and effective roof maintenance is important to your success.

    The Importance of Annual Roof Inspections

    Prevent Costly Repairs. Ignoring your roof’s condition can lead to minor issues escalating into major problems. Regular inspections help identify and address potential concerns early on, preventing expensive repairs down the line. A stitch in time saves nine, and the same principle applies to roofing.

    Extend Roof Lifespan. A well-maintained roof lasts longer. Annual inspections allow you to catch issues like leaks, damaged shingles, or deteriorating materials before they compromise the overall structure. This proactive approach can significantly extend the lifespan of your roof.

    Protect Business Assets. Your business assets, including equipment, inventory, and interior furnishings, rely on a sound roof for protection. Regular inspections help maintain the integrity of your roof, ensuring that it continues to provide a barrier against the elements.Ensure Safety and Compliance. A structurally sound roof is essential for the safety of your employees, customers, and anyone who frequents your business premises. Moreover, compliance with building codes often mandates routine inspections. Staying up-to-date with inspections ensures that your business remains in compliance with local regulations.

    How to Conduct a Commercial Roof Inspection

    Exterior Inspection. Start by visually inspecting the exterior of your roof. Look for missing or damaged shingles, signs of wear and tear, and any debris that may have accumulated. Check for damage around chimneys, vents, and skylights.

    Interior Inspection. Inside your business, inspect ceilings for water stains, leaks, or any signs of water damage. Check the attic for proper ventilation and insulation. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent further damage.

    Gutter and Drainage Inspection. Ensure that gutters are free from debris and properly channeling water away from the building. Clogged gutters can lead to water pooling on the roof, causing leaks and potential structural damage.

    Investing time and resources in annual roof inspections and maintenance is a wise decision for business owners. It not only safeguards your property and assets but also contributes to the long-term success of your enterprise. Stay proactive, prioritize roof health, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a well-maintained business establishment.


    Proactive Steps to Winterize Your Roof

    Checking your roof and taking proactive steps to winterize it is indeed important to ensure that your home remains safe and comfortable during the winter months. Here are some additional steps and considerations for winterizing your roof:

    1. Clean Your Gutters: Make sure your gutters are clear of leaves and debris before winter arrives. Clogged gutters can lead to water backup and ice dams, which can damage your roof and the interior of your home.

    2. Inspect Shingles: Examine the condition of your shingles for any signs of damage, curling, or missing pieces. Damaged or missing shingles can lead to leaks and further roof problems during winter.

    3. Seal Roof Penetrations: Check for any gaps or openings around roof penetrations such as vents, chimneys, and skylights. Ensure that they are properly sealed to prevent leaks and drafts.

    4. Trim Overhanging Branches: Trim any overhanging tree branches that could potentially fall onto your roof during heavy snow or ice storms. Falling branches can cause significant damage to your roof.

    5. Insulate Your Attic: Proper attic insulation can help regulate the temperature in your home, reduce energy costs, and prevent ice dams from forming on your roof.

    6. Prevent Ice Dams: Ice dams can form when warm air escapes from your home and melts snow on the roof, which then refreezes at the eaves. This can cause water to back up under the shingles and into your home. Ensure proper attic insulation and ventilation to prevent ice dams.

    7. Check Flashing and Seals: Inspect the flashing around your roof’s chimneys, vents, and skylights, as well as any roof seals. Ensure they are in good condition and not deteriorated.

    8. Schedule a Professional Inspection: If you’re unsure about the condition of your roof or if you’ve noticed any issues, it’s a good idea to hire a professional roofing contractor, such as Jenkins Roofing, for a thorough inspection. We can identify any potential problems and recommend necessary repairs.

    By taking these steps and prioritizing the maintenance and winterization of your roof, you can ensure that it remains in good condition and can effectively protect your home and family during the winter season.

    The end goal is to have peace of mind.

    2022 Small Business of the Year

    With great honor, Jenkins Roofing accepted the 2022 Small Business of the Year at the Grand Prairie Chamber Community Awards. I am incredibly proud of my team, and was excited that my mom was able to be there after helping my dad run the company for nearly 40 years. It’s been 5 years since his passing, and I know he would be so proud! We dedicate this award to Jack’s memory, our great team that we have built, and all of our great customers over the last 55+ years in our community.


    What to look for with the roof!

    Even though the real estate market is uncertain, and interest rates are at an all time high, there is one thing that is definite… KNOWING if the roof is damaged and needs repair or replacement. 

    Because we have helped so many customers when they were either selling or buying a house, and have partnered with many real estate agents, we thought it was time to help create a go-to document to help people better understand what to look for in a roof when buying (or selling) a house in today’s market!

    First, take note of the type of roof the house has. Is it a metal flat-like roof or a composite shingle high slant roof?  Take a step back and really look at it. There could be some curly edges, bulges, or worn spots that can give signs that the roof has aged and could be damaged. When looking, you might see if shingles are missing and realize that the roof has deformities and is quite old. You can check for mold on the roof by seeing fungus and discoloration of shingles. No matter what you see when you are standing back, or even up on a ladder peeking at your roof, just know the smartest move is to have a formal roof inspection done by a professional before buying or selling a house.

    Here is why. Professional and certified roofers have a trained eye, knowledge, and experience to detect if there are problems with the roof. Not only that, Roofing companies like Jenkins Roofing and Construction, do both interior & exterior checks!

    Jenkins roofing inspectors will check the state of the shingles & flashings, look for leaks, inspect the area around the chimney, plus inspect the attic to rule out moisture & mold, and will confirm proper ventilation & insulation. Skipping this step initially could lead to costly repairs down the road as structural damage to the home occurs and can stop you from closing the deal, whether buying or selling a home.


    A Dependable Roofing Contractor Can Help You Close the Deal

    As a Realtor®, you know anytime you can shepherd a swift and seamless sale or purchase of your client’s home, it’s a big success. One contributor to these successes is a partnership with an established, dependable roofing company. 

    As part of any pre-sale inspection, both sellers and buyers want to complete a thorough roof assessment, along with all necessary repairs, before closing. So roofing contractors are already, in almost every case, part of the real estate sales process. Having a trusted roofing partner in place can be convenient, can save all parties money and can even help move the sale along.

    Here are five reasons to form a partnership with a trusted roofing company (and there are many others):

    1. Roofing Partners are Good for Second Opinions

    If your buyer or seller already has a roofing company conduct a roof assessment, your trusted roofing partner will often provide a quick, free second opinion. This may save your client a lot of money on unnecessary repairs.

    1. They Can Help with Repairs

    Good contractors are hard to find. So, if a client’s roof needs repairs, a trusted roofer may worth his or her weight in gold. Not only would a dependable partner do the right, but they can also save you money, save you time researching roofing companies and get the repairs done in a timely manner.

    In other words, when you have a roofer on call, all you have to do is pick up the phone and you’ll know everything will be taken care of.

    1. They Offer Free Estimates

    Most reputable, experienced roofing contractors will gladly provide free estimates for roof repairs or replacements. Sometimes, however, they don’t. When you have a roofing partner, all that will be worked out in advance. Then, anytime the need arises, you’ll get professional, thorough estimates at no cost to you or your clients.

    1. They Can Speed up Closing 

    These last two benefits of having a trusted roofing partner contribute even more to a Realtor’s success. When repairs are required by a seller, for example, you want them done quickly and, often, you need proof that repairs were completed. A roofing partner will get you thorough reports quickly – with exactly the information you need. 

    In turn, since you don’t have to wait for your report, this should help speed up closing.  

    1. They Can Help Get the House Sold

    A trusted roofing company partner is beneficial for all parties – the buyer, the seller, the agents, the mortgage company – everybody. 

    When roof inspections, repairs or replacements are called for (which is the case in most transactions), a roofing partner will get the work done quickly, efficiently and professionally. Knowing that this big hurdle is going to be handled means more peace of mind for everyone involved, and one less (major) thing for your buyer to be worried about.

    A good roofer simply means more sales. WE CAN HELP YOU CLOSE THE DEAL! 

    Partnering with Jenkins Roofing and Construction

    At Jenkins, we’ve been helping Realtors (and their clients) take care of home roofing issues for more than 50 years. And, just like you, we’re always looking for dependable, professional partners.

    As a third-generation roofing company dedicated to doing things right, we’re here to answer all your questions about roofs, our warranty (the best in Texas, thank you very much), our many certifications, how we work with Realtors or anything else. 

    To schedule a conversation – or set up a free, no obligation roof inspection – just click here or call (817) 886-6710.


    Hail Isn’t the Only Summer Weather You Should Worry About

    Texans love their state. And with good reason; it’s a great place to live, work and raise a family.

    But even the most loyal residents must admit the summer months can be brutal. Hailstorms are a big threat; a few minutes of golf ball-sized ice pellets hitting your cars, home or landscaping can be devastating. The bigger problem, however, may be the heat. With the Texas sun beating down relentlessly and temperatures on the rise, homeowners need to be aware of how all that heat can damage many components around your home – especially your roof. 

    Here are some of the ways heat can hurt:

    Thermal Movement
    Extreme heat can cause your roof to expand and contract, which can lead to cracks and gaps in the roofing material. In this case, it’s the combination of rising and falling temperatures that can cause the problems.

    UV Radiation
    High summer temperatures usually mean higher levels of harsh UV radiation. For most roofing materials, this leads to both decomposing of the structures and a fading or discoloring effect. Prolonged exposure might also weaken the surface of your roof and make it more porous over time.  

    The heat can cause your shingles to curl and crack, creating more open spaces which can lead to leaks and other problems.

    Old Age
    Another thing to keep in mind is the age of your roof. Most roofs last between 15 and 25 years, depending on the material and quality of installation. If your roof is approaching the end of its lifespan, it may be more susceptible to heat damage. If this is the case, you might want to consider a replacement. While this can be a significant investment, it’s important to remember that a new roof can add value to your home and provide peace of mind for years to come.

    Here’s one more thing to take into consideration: If you have a flat roof, the Texas heat can cause even more problems (and cost you more money). Flat roofs are more susceptible to damage from the sun’s UV rays, which can cause the roofing material to break down and deteriorate faster than other types of roofs.

    Minimizing Damage

    Your roof is, and always will be, exposed to the weather; there’s nothing you can do about that.

    But there is a lot you can do to minimize problems and/or keep a hot roof from causing further structural damage on or in your home. 

    Regular Inspections
    The best thing you can do to minimize damage to your roof from the Texas heat is to schedule regular inspections. This will help identify any issues before they become major problems and save you a lot of money in the long run. Of course, the best way to handle inspections is with an experienced, local roofer with the state’s best warranty – Jenkins Roofing and Construction.

    Timely Maintenance
    In addition to regular inspections, it’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of damage or wear and tear on your roof. This includes things like missing shingles, leaks or cracks in the roofing material. If you notice any of these issues, contact a professional right away (like Jenkins) to prevent further damage.

    Add Protections
    Some homeowners choose to invest in reflective roofing materials or coatings to help reduce the amount of heat absorbed by your roof. The color of your shingles could be a factor, as well. All of these can help your roof last longer. And these protections come with a bonus: They can help keep your home cooler and your energy bills lower.

    Let Jenkins Help

    As a third-generation roofing company dedicated to doing things right, Jenkins Roofing and Construction can answer all your questions about heat, sun, roofs, repairs, replacements or almost anything else related to protecting your most valuable investment – your home. 

    To schedule your free, no obligation roof inspection, just click here or call (817) 886-6710.